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Setsebi sa Machaena sa Setsebi sa China sa Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway

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Mehaho ea rona e nang le thepa e ntle le taelo e ntle haholo ho pholletsa le mekhahlelo eohle ea moloko oa batho e re nolofalletsa ho netefatsa ho phethahala ha bareki bakeng saPhofo ea joang bo botala ba harese,Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Powder,Spirulina le Chlorella phofo, Ka monyetla oa tsamaiso ea indasteri, khoebo ka kakaretso e ikemiselitse ho ts'ehetsa litebello tsa ho ba moetapele oa 'maraka oa hajoale liindasteri tsa bona.
Setsebi sa Machaena sa Setsebi sa Setsebi sa Sechaena sa Spirulina - Phofo ea Epimedium Extract Icariin and It's Derivatives – Healthway Detail:

Selelekela sa Epimedium Extract

Epimedium Extract e tsejoang hape e le Horny goat weed extract ke phofshoana e tsoang ho setlama se omeletseng sa Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium pubescens le Epimedium koreanum e nang le metsi a ethanol, mahloriso, tlhoekiso, karohano le lits'ebetso tse ling, e na le 5.0% ~ 98.0% ea 98.0%. Icariin le metsoako e meng ea flavonoids. E sebelisoa haholo bakeng sa tonify ea liphio & libido booster ho Traditional Chinese Medicine bakeng sa nalane e telele, e ka ntlafatsang tsamaiso ea pelo le methapo, ho laola endocrine. Ho phaella moo, hoa hlokomeleha ka ho khetheha hore Epimedium extract powder Icaritin e na le liphello tse khahlanong le kankere e le mofuta o mocha oa lithethefatsi tsa kankere ea sebete.

Haholo-holo Litlhaloso

① Epimedium flavonoids 10% 20% 40% 50% UV
② Icariins 10% 20% HPLC
3 Icari 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 98% HPLC
④ Icariside II 90% 98% HPLC
⑤ Icaritin 98% HPLC
⑥ 3,7-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) Icaritin 98% HPLC


Melemo ea Epimedium Extract

❶ Epimedium Extract Icariin e ka nkoa e le e matlafatsang libido lijong tsa banna.
❷ Epimedium Extract e na le motheo oa saense oa ho phekola lefu la pelo le angina pectoris.
❸ Epimedium Flavonoids e ka ntlafatsa le ho boloka ts'ebetso e tloaelehileng ea adrenal cortical le ts'ebetso ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung.
❹Epimedium Extract Icaritin e se e sebelisoa e le mofuta o mocha oa sethethefatsi se tsoetseng pele sa mofetše oa sebete le antineoplastic agent.

Leqephe le Khethehileng la Icariin 5% ~ 60%

Lintlha tsa Tlhahlobo Litlhaloso Mekhoa
Litlhahlobo tse sebetsang tsa metsoako
Icariin 5%-60% HPLC
Liteko Tsa 'Mele
Ponahalo Phofo e 'mala o mosehla o mosehla E bonoang
Monko o monate Sebopeho Organoleptic
Latsoang Sebopeho Organoleptic
Boholo ba likaroloana 95% e feta 80mesh CP2020 IV
Likahare tsa metsi ≤8.0% GB/T 5009.3
Likahare tsa molora ≤5.0% GB/T 5009.4
Liteko tsa Lik'hemik'hale
Tšepe e boima ≤10ppm GB/T5009.74
Pb ≤3.0ppm GB/T5009.12
Joalo ka ≤2.0ppm GB/T5009.11
Cd ≤1.0ppm GB/T5009.15
Hg ≤0.1ppm GB/T5009.17
Mesaletsa ea solvent ≤2000ppm(Ethanol) CP2015 IV
Liteko tsa Microbiological
Kakaretso ea Libaktheria ≤1,000cfu/g GB/T4789.2
Litomoso le hlobo ≤100cfu/g GB/T4789.15
E. Coli E mpe GB/T4789.38
Salmonella E mpe GB/T4789.4

Linyeoe tsa Kopo

Icariin-capsule-e tloaelehileng

Ke Hobane'ng ha U Re Khetha

★ Full letoto la Epimedium Extract 'me ke derivatives moetsi.
★ Molemo o moholo ka bohloeki bo phahameng ba Icariin le karohano e sa tloaelehang ea flavonoid monomer.
★ Exclusive supplier for Icaritin i ready stock for sale and the grade grade reka e amohelehile.
★ Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng, theko e utloahalang, tšebeletso ea setsebi e lula e fanoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and It's Derivatives - Healthway details details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Botšepehi, Boqapi, Bokhabane, le Ts'ebetso ke mohopolo o tsitsitseng oa k'hamphani ea rona bakeng sa nako e telele ea ho nts'etsapele mmoho le bareki bakeng sa poelano e tšoanang le molemo o mong bakeng sa Chinese Professional Blue Spirulina Extract Powder - Epimedium Extract Powder Icariin and Its Derivatives - Healthway, The sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Malta, Bandung, Adelaide, Hajoale, lihlahisoa tsa rona li rometsoe linaheng tse fetang mashome a tšeletseng le libaka tse fapaneng, joalo ka Asia Boroa-bochabela, Amerika, Afrika, Europe Bochabela, Russia, Canada. joalo-joalo Re tšepa ka tieo ho theha puisano e pharaletseng le bareki bohle ba ka bang teng Chaena le karolong e 'ngoe ea lefats'e.
  • Ts'ebetso e phahameng ea tlhahiso le boleng bo botle ba sehlahisoa, ho tsamaisoa ka potlako le tšireletso e phethiloeng ka mor'a thekiso, khetho e nepahetseng, khetho e ntle.
    5 LinaleliKa Jean ho tloha Birmingham - 2018.07.26 16:51
    Ka kakaretso, re khotsofetse ka likarolo tsohle, theko e tlaase, boleng bo phahameng, ho fana ka potlako le mokhoa o motle oa procuct, re tla ba le tšebelisano-'moho ea ho latela!
    5 LinaleliKa Leona oa Comoros - 2018.09.21 11:44
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona