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Theko ea Theko ea Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Ntlafatso ea rona e ipapisitse le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, litalenta tse ikhethang le matla a theknoloji a matlafalitsoeng khafetsaAndrographis Paniculata Extract Powder 10%,Turmeric Extract 95 Curcumin phofo,White Willow Extract Salicin, Boleng bo botle ke boteng ba feme , Tsepamisa maikutlo ho tlhokahalo ea bareki ke mohloli oa ho phela le tsoelo-pele ea k'hamphani, Re khomarela botšepehi le boikutlo bo phahameng ba ho sebetsa ka tumelo, ho tsoma pele ho tla ha hao!
Theko ea Theko ea Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway Detail:

Selelekela sa Sophora Japonica Extract Quercetin

Quercetin- (Sophora japonica extract) -e ne e le sehlahisoa sa hydrolysis ho tloha ho Rutin e ntšitsoeng ho lipalesa tse omisitsoeng tsa lipalesa tsa Sophora japonica L, ka ho ntšoa ha alkali, pula ea asiti le ts'ebetso ea tlhoekiso, e NLT 98.0% le NMT 102.0% ea quercetin, e baloang motheong oa anhydrous .

Haholo-holo Litlhaloso tsa Sophora Japonica Extract Quercetin

① Powder ea Quercetin 95% HPLC
② Powder ea Quercetin 98% UV
③ Quercetin Granule 95% HPLC
③ Quercetin dihydrate 95% HPLC

quercetin le

Melemo ea Sophora Japonica Extract Quercetin

❶ Quercetin ke mofuta oa vithamine P ea tlhaho, e nang le bokhoni ba ho fokotsa ho kenella ha capillary le antioxidant.
❷ Quercetin ke sethibela ho ruruha & antiviral, se na le matla a matla a ho thibela ho Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli.
❸ Quercetin e na le ts'ebetso e matla ea antitumor, e ka fokotsang ts'ebetso ea ho ata ha lisele tsa hlahala.
❹ Quercetin e na le litlamorao tsamaisong ea methapo e bohareng, analgesia, anti-depression le ho ntlafatsa mohopolo.

Leqephe le Khethehileng la Quercetin 95%

Lintlha tsa Tlhahlobo Litlhaloso Mekhoa
A. TSAMAYA IR spectrum e lumellana le spectrum ea Quercetin RS .
B. UV The absorptivity ka boholo ho 371nm ke 75.5-80.0 .
C. HPLC Nako ea ho boloka sampole e tsamaisana le maemo a tlhahlobo ea bohloeki ea HPLC.
Litlhahlobo tse sebetsang tsa metsoako
Quercetin dihydrate (HPLC) ≥95.00% USP43
Kaempferol ≤0.50% USP43
Litšila tsa motho ka mong ≤0.10% USP43
Litšila ka Kakaretso ≤2.00% USP43
Liteko Tsa 'Mele
Ponahalo Yellow crystalline phofo E bonoang
Boholo ba likaroloana 98% e feta 80 mesh Ch.P 2020 IV
Metsi ≤12.00% USP43
Masalla a ho Ignition ≤0.10% USP43
Liteko tsa Lik'hemik'hale
Litšepe tse boima ≤10.00ppm USP43
Pb ≤3.00ppm USP43
Joalo ka ≤1.00ppm USP43
Cd ≤1.00ppm USP43
Hg ≤0.10ppm USP43
Sulfate ≤1,000ppm Ch.P 2020 IV
Liteko tsa Microbiological
Kakaretso ea Lipalo tsa Libaktheria ≤1,000cfu/g USP43
Litomoso le hlobo ≤100cfu/g USP43
E. Coli E mpe ho 1g USP43
Salmonella E mpe ka 10g USP43
* Lipolelo:Allergen ea Mahala, E hahiloe mahala, GMO mahala, Li-additives mahala.

Linyeoe tsa Kopo

capsule - tloaelo
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa2

Ke Hobane'ng ha U Re Khetha

★ Litlhaloso tse ikhethileng, granulation, tšebeletso ea capsulation ea amoheleha.
★ Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng, theko e utloahalang, tšebeletso ea setsebi e lula e fanoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Theko ea theko Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details pictures

Theko ea theko Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details pictures

Theko ea theko Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details pictures

Theko ea theko Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details pictures

Theko ea theko Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details pictures

Theko ea theko Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

ka lebaka la thuso e babatsehang, mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le litharollo, litšenyehelo tse matla le ho fana ka thepa e ntle, re thabela botumo bo botle har'a bareki ba rona. Re khoebo e mahlahahlaha e nang le 'maraka o pharaletseng bakeng sa Theko ea Theko ea Marigold Extract Yellow Powder - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin le Quercetin Manufacturer - Healthway , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e lohle, joalo ka: Paris, Liberia, Bogota, Ka matla a matla a theknoloji le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso, le batho ba SMS ka boomo , setsebi, moea o inehetseng oa khoebo. Likhoebo li ile tsa etella pele ka ho fana ka setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea boleng ba machaba ba ISO 9001:2008, setifikeiti sa CE EU; CCC.SGS.CQC setifikeiti se seng se amanang le sehlahisoa. Re labalabela ho nchafatsa khokahano ea rona ea k'hamphani.
  • Mookameli oa lihlahisoa ke motho ea chesang haholo le ea setsebi, re na le puisano e monate, 'me qetellong re fihletse tumellano ea tumellano.
    Linaleli tse 5Ka Cornelia ho tloha Amman - 2017.05.02 11:33
    Basebeletsi ba fektheri ba na le moea o motle oa sehlopha, kahoo re fumane lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ka potlako, ho phaella moo, theko e boetse e loketse, ena ke baetsi ba Chaena ba molemo haholo le ba ka tšeptjoang.
    Linaleli tse 5Ka Ivan ho tsoa Madrid - 2018.07.12 12:19
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona