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Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin le Quercetin Manufacturer - Healthway

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Laola maemo ka lintlha, bonts'a matla ka boleng. Feme ea rona e ikitlaelletse ho theha sehlopha sa basebetsi ba sebetsang hantle haholo le ba tsitsitseng mme e lekotse mokhoa o nepahetseng oa ho laelaCissus Quadrangularis Ketosterone,Quercetin Anhydrous,Ubiquinone Coenzyme Q10, Re boetse re lula re batla ho theha likamano le barekisi ba bacha ho fana ka tharollo e ncha le e bohlale ho bareki ba rona ba bohlokoa.
Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin le Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway Detail:

Selelekela sa Sophora Japonica Extract Quercetin

Quercetin- (Sophora japonica extract) -e ne e le sehlahisoa sa hydrolysis ho tloha ho Rutin e ntšitsoeng ho lipalesa tse omisitsoeng tsa lipalesa tsa Sophora japonica L, ka ho ntšoa ha alkali, pula ea asiti le ts'ebetso ea tlhoekiso, e NLT 98.0% le NMT 102.0% ea quercetin, e baloang motheong oa anhydrous .

Haholo-holo Litlhaloso tsa Sophora Japonica Extract Quercetin

① Powder ea Quercetin 95% HPLC
② Powder ea Quercetin 98% UV
③ Quercetin Granule 95% HPLC
③ Quercetin dihydrate 95% HPLC

quercetin le

Melemo ea Sophora Japonica Extract Quercetin

❶ Quercetin ke mofuta oa vithamine P ea tlhaho, e nang le bokhoni ba ho fokotsa ho kenella ha capillary le antioxidant.
❷ Quercetin ke sethibela ho ruruha & antiviral, se na le matla a matla a ho thibela ho Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli.
❸ Quercetin e na le ts'ebetso e matla ea antitumor, e ka fokotsang ts'ebetso ea ho ata ha lisele tsa hlahala.
❹ Quercetin e na le litlamorao tsamaisong ea methapo e bohareng, analgesia, anti-depression le ho ntlafatsa mohopolo.

Leqephe le Khethehileng la Quercetin 95%

Lintlha tsa Tlhahlobo Litlhaloso Mekhoa
A. TSAMAYA IR spectrum e lumellana le spectrum ea Quercetin RS .
B. UV The absorptivity ka boholo ho 371nm ke 75.5-80.0 .
C. HPLC Nako ea ho boloka sampole e tsamaisana le maemo a tlhahlobo ea bohloeki ea HPLC.
Litlhahlobo tse sebetsang tsa metsoako
Quercetin dihydrate (HPLC) ≥95.00% USP43
Kaempferol ≤0.50% USP43
Litšila tsa motho ka mong ≤0.10% USP43
Litšila ka Kakaretso ≤2.00% USP43
Liteko Tsa 'Mele
Ponahalo Yellow crystalline phofo E bonoang
Boholo ba likaroloana 98% e feta 80 mesh Ch.P 2020 IV
Metsi ≤12.00% USP43
Masalla a ho Ignition ≤0.10% USP43
Liteko tsa Lik'hemik'hale
Litšepe tse boima ≤10.00ppm USP43
Pb ≤3.00ppm USP43
Joalo ka ≤1.00ppm USP43
Cd ≤1.00ppm USP43
Hg ≤0.10ppm USP43
Sulfate ≤1,000ppm Ch.P 2020 IV
Liteko tsa Microbiological
Kakaretso ea Lipalo tsa Libaktheria ≤1,000cfu/g USP43
Litomoso le hlobo ≤100cfu/g USP43
E. Coli E mpe ho 1g USP43
Salmonella E mpe ka 10g USP43
* Lipolelo:Allergen ea Mahala, E hahiloe mahala, GMO mahala, Li-additives mahala.

Linyeoe tsa Kopo

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa2

Ke Hobane'ng ha U Re Khetha

★ Litlhaloso tse ikhethileng, granulation, tšebeletso ea capsulation ea amoheleha.
★ Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng, theko e utloahalang, tšebeletso ea setsebi e lula e fanoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details details

Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details details

Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details details

Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details details

Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details details

Fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin and Quercetin Manufacturer – Healthway details details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Hona joale re na le bareki ba 'maloa ba ikhethang ba sebetsang hantle ka ho rekisa, QC, le ho sebetsa le mefuta ea mathata a thata nakong ea tsamaiso ea pōpo bakeng sa fektheri e hlophisitsoeng ea Zeaxanthin Powder Extract Lutein - Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin le Quercetin Manufacturer - Healthway , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa hohle hohle. lefats'e, joalo ka: Montpellier, India, Boston, Lihlahisoa tsena kaofela li etsoa fekthering ea rona e China. Kahoo re ka netefatsa boleng ba rona ka botebo le ka mokhoa o fumanehang. Nakong ea lilemo tsena tse 'nè ha re rekise lihlahisoa tsa rona feela empa le tšebeletso ea rona ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.
  • Baetsi bana ha baa ka ba hlompha feela khetho ea rona le litlhoko tsa rona, empa hape ba re file litlhahiso tse ngata tse ntle, qetellong, re atlehile ho phetha mesebetsi ea ho reka.
    5 LinaleliKa Debby ho tsoa Slovenia - 2018.02.12 14:52
    Re metsoalle ea khale, boleng ba sehlahisoa sa k'hamphani esale bo le botle haholo 'me lekhetlong lena theko le eona e theko e tlase haholo.
    5 LinaleliKa Miguel ho tloha Lahore - 2017.06.16 18:23
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona