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Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway

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re ka fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, theko ea tlhōlisano le tšebeletso ea bareki. Sebaka seo re eang ho sona ke U tla mona ka bothata 'me re u fa pososelo eo u lokelang ho e nkaCoenzyme Q10,Cotinus Coggygria Extract Fisetin 98%,Matlapa a Lutein, Objects e hapile litifikeiti hammoho le balaoli ba mantlha ba tikoloho le ba machabeng. Bakeng sa tlhaiso-leseling e batsi, etsa bonnete ba hore o ikopanya le rona!
Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway Detail:

Selelekela sa Artemisinin

Artemisinin(Artemisia Extract) ke metsoako e hloekisitsoeng e sebetsang ho tsoa ho setlama se omisitsoeng sa Artemisia annua Linn. ka mor'a ho ntšoa, Dewaxing, Chromatography, le mokhoa oa ho hloekisa, litaba tsa artemisinin ke 99.00% ka holimo ho motheo oa anhydrous. Artemisinin ke kristale ea acicular e se nang mebala e nang le ntlha e qhibilihang ea 156 ~ 157 ℃. E qhibiliha habonolo ka chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate le benzene, e qhibiliha ka har'a ethanol le ether, e qhibiliha hanyane ka har'a petroleum ether e batang, 'me e batla e sa qhibilihe ka metsing. Artemisinin ke setlhare se sebetsang ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ho alafa kganetso ya malaria ho fihlela jwale.

Haholo-holo Litlhaloso tsa Artemisinin Derivatives

① Artemisinin kristale 99% HPLC
② Powder ea Artemisinin 99% HPLC
③ Artemether 99% HPLC
④ Artesunate 99% HPLC
⑤ Dihydroarteannuin 99% HPLC


Melemo ea Artemisinin

❶ Artemisinin ke sebolaya-malaria se hlwahlwa ka ho fetisisa, se ka bolaya dikokonyana tsa pathogenic hape se na le matla a anti-schistosoma.
❷ Thibela kholo ea lisele tsa mofetše le ho etsa hore ho be le apoptosis ea lisele tsa mofetše oa sebete, lisele tsa mofetše oa matsoele, lisele tsa mofetše oa popelo.
❸ Artemisinin e ka thibela litlamorao tsa taolo ea fungal le sesole sa 'mele.

Leqephe le Tloaelehileng la Litlhaloso tsa Artemisinin 99%

Lintlha tsa Tlhahlobo Litlhaloso Mekhoa
A. TSAMAYA IR spectrum e lumellana le spectrum ea litšupiso tsa Artemisinin.
B. HPLC Nako ea ho boloka sampole e tsamaisana le maemo a tlhahlobo ea bohloeki ea HPLC.
C. Karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale1 Ho na le 'mala oa violet o tebileng.
D. Karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale2 'Mala oa violet o hlaha hang-hang.
E. Monyetla Ha e khone ho qhibiliha ka metsing, e qhibiliha ka Methanol, e qhibiliha ka bolokolohi acetone.
Liteko Tsa 'Mele
Ponahalo Linale tse se nang mebala kapa phofo e tšoeu ea kristale E bonoang
Melting Point 150 ℃-153 ℃ Ch.P 2020
Specific Optical Rotation +75° ho ea ho +78° Ch.P 2020
Tahlehelo ka ho omisa ≤0.50% Ch.P 2020
Masalla a ho Ignition ≤0.10% Ch.P 2020
Litlhahlobo tse sebetsang tsa metsoako
Artemisinin (HPLC) 98.00%-102.00% Ch.P 2020
Kakaretso ea litšila (HPLC) ≤2.50% Ch.P 2020
Impurity A (HPLC) ≤0.15% Ch.P 2020
Impurity B (HPLC) ≤2.00% Ch.P 2020
Ho se hloeke ho sa hlalosoang ≤0.30% Ch.P 2020
* Lipolelo:Li-additives mahala, Allergen mahala, Irradiation mahala, GMO mahala.

Linyeoe tsa Kopo


Hobaneng o re khetha

★ Letoto le felletseng la Artemisinin le mofuta oa phofo le mofuta oa kristale.
★ Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng, theko e utloahalang, tšebeletso ea setsebi e lula e fanoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details pictures

Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details pictures

Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details pictures

Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details pictures

Tloaelehileng Thekollo Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial – Healthway details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Re tsoela pele ka khopolo ea boleng pele, mofani oa pele, ntlafatso e sa khaotseng le boqapi ba ho kopana le bareki ka botsamaisi le bofokoli ba zero, litletlebo tsa zero e le sepheo se tloaelehileng. Ho khahlisa k'hamphani ea rona, re fana ka thepa ka theko e ntle ka theko e tlase bakeng sa Tlokollo e Tloaelehileng Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract - Artemisia Extract Powder Artemisinin 99% HPLC for Antimalarial - Healthway , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa lefatšeng ka bophara, joalo ka: Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Surabaya, Khetho e pharalletseng le thomello e potlakileng ho lumellana le litlhoko tsa hau! Filosofi ea rona: Boleng bo botle, tšebeletso e ntle, tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa. Re ntse re lebelletse hore metsoalle e mengata ea mose ho maoatle e kenelle lelapeng la rona bakeng sa nts'etsopele e haufi le bokamoso!
  • Mochine oa tsamaiso ea tlhahiso o phethiloe, boleng bo tiisitsoe, botšepehi bo phahameng le tšebeletso e lumella hore tšebelisano e be bonolo, e phethahale!
    5 LinaleliKa Donna ho tsoa Brithani - 2018.12.25 12:43
    Basebeletsi ba theknoloji ea fektheri ha ba na theknoloji e phahameng feela, boemo ba bona ba Senyesemane le bona bo molemo haholo, sena ke thuso e kholo ho puisano ea theknoloji.
    5 LinaleliKa Esther ho tsoa Provence - 2018.03.03 13:09
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona