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Theko e Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa bakeng sa Feed Grade Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC - Healthway

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Re thabela boemo bo botle haholo har'a tebello ea sehlahisoa sa rona sa boleng bo holimo, theko ea tlholisano le ts'ehetso ea lihlahisoa tsa rona.Andrographis Extract Capsules,Macha Powder,Fisetin 60 Capsuls 200mgs, Rea u amohela ho ikopanya le rona ho etsa hore khoebo ea hau e be bonolo. Re lula re molekane oa hau ea khabane ha u batla ho ba le khoebo ea hau.
Theko e Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa Bakeng sa Phepelo ea Phofo ea Spirulina - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway Detail:

Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Resveratrol Kenyelletso

Resveratrol -(Polygonum cuspidatum extract) -e ntšitsoe motsong o omisitsoeng le kutu ea Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. le Zucc. Ho fumana resveratrol50% e sa tsoakoang, ebe e qhibilihisoa ka har'a li-solvents tsa ethanol le metsi ebe e hloekisoa le ho hloekisoa hape ka resin ho fumana trans-Resveratrol 98% kaholimo holima motheo o omisitsoeng.

Haholo-holo Litlhaloso tsa Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Resveratrol

① Resveratrol Powder 50% HPLC
② Resveratrol Powder 98% HPLC
③ Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC

resveratrol 98 e qhibilihang ka metsing

Melemo ea Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Resveratrol

❶ Resveratrol e ka etsa hore acetylase e sebetse, e thibela botsofali le ho lelefatsa bophelo.
❷ Thibelo le kalafo ea mafu a pelo, ho laola le ho fokotsa kotsi ea mafu a pelo.
❸ Resveratrol e boetse e na le antibacterial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiasthmatic le mesebetsi e meng ea likokoana-hloko.
❹Resveratrol e na le phello e kholo ea ho thibela lisele tsa melanoma, anti-cancer le anti-tumor.

Leqephe le Khethehileng la Trans-Resveratrol 98%

Lintlha tsa Tlhahlobo Litlhaloso Mekhoa
A. HPTLC Mohlala o bonts'a lihlopha tse kholo tse tšoanang ka boemo le 'mala ho tharollo e tloaelehileng.
B. HPLC Nako ea ho boloka sampole e tsamaisana le maemo a tlhahlobo ea bohloeki ea HPLC.
Litlhahlobo tse sebetsang tsa metsoako
Trans-Resveratrol ≥98.00% HPLC
Liteko Tsa 'Mele
Ponahalo Phofo e bosoeu ho isa ho e tšoeu E bonoang
Monko o monate Sebopeho Organoleptic
Latsoang Sebopeho Organoleptic
Boholo ba likaroloana 95% e feta 80mesh CP2020 IV
Bongata ba ho tlama ka bongata 0.4-0.6g/mL CP2020 IV
Likahare tsa metsi ≤0.5% CP2020 IV
Likahare tsa molora ≤0.5% CP2020 IV
Liteko tsa Lik'hemik'hale
Litšepe tse boima ≤10.00ppm CP2020 IV
Pb ≤2.00ppm CP2020 IV
Joalo ka ≤2.00ppm CP2020 IV
Cd ≤1.00ppm CP2020 IV
Hg ≤0.10ppm CP2020 IV
Mesaletsa ea Methanol ≤500ppm CP2020 IV
Mesaletsa ea Ethanol ≤1500ppm CP2020IV
Liteko tsa Microbiological
Kakaretso ea Libaktheria ≤1,000cfu/g GB/T4789.2
Litomoso le hlobo ≤100cfu/g GB/T4789.15
E. Coli E mpe GB/T4789.38
Salmonella E mpe GB/T4789.4
* Lipolelo:Allergen ea mahala, e haselitsoeng mahala, GMO mahala, Li-additives mahala.

Linyeoe tsa Kopo

capsule - tloaelo
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa2

Ke Hobane'ng ha U Re Khetha

★ Litšebeletso tse ikhethileng le tšebeletso ea capsulation lia amoheleha.
★ Lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng, theko e utloahalang, tšebeletso ea setsebi e lula e fanoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Theko e Ntle ho Feed bakeng sa Phaello ea Lijo tsa Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Re nahanne ka lepetjo lena, re fetohile e mong oa bahlahisi ba nang le mekhoa e metle ea thekenoloji, ba theko e tlaase, le ba hlolisanang ka theko bakeng sa Super Purchasing for Feed Grade Spirulina Powder - Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract Trans-Resveratrol 98% HPLC – Healthway , The product e tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Israel, Berlin, Paraguay, Re ke ke ra tsoela pele ho hlahisa tataiso ea botekgeniki ea litsebi tse tsoang lapeng le kantle ho naha, empa hape re nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tse ncha le tse tsoetseng pele khafetsa ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki ba rona ka mokhoa o khotsofatsang. lefatsheng lohle.
  • Boleng ba lihlahisoa bo botle haholo, haholo-holo ka lintlha tse qaqileng, ho ka bonoa hore k'hamphani e sebetsa ka mafolofolo ho khotsofatsa thahasello ea bareki, mofani oa thepa e ntle.
    5 LinaleliKa Hedda ho tsoa Chicago - 2017.09.16 13:44
    Re balekane ba nako e telele, ha ho na ho soetseha nako le nako, re tšepa ho boloka setsoalle sena hamorao!
    5 LinaleliKa Kelly ho tsoa Bangladesh - 2018.12.11 14:13
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona